The Incredible Power of Crystals

Crystals are the essence and manifestation of beauty and life as they are created from the depths of the Earth.  They are millions, if not billions of years old, possibly as old the Earth itself.  In fact, in 2014, scientists found what they consider to be the oldest crystal in existence.  This crystal, which was found in Australia and is now known as Zircon, is reportedly 4.4 billion years old.

Crystals are created by an intense amount of pressure, and as they grow and blossom from the darkness of the Earth, eventually become incredible channels of light, clarity and consciousness.  Much like humans, crystals have their own unique properties, characteristics and personality and have the ability to store, amplify, harmonize, receive and transmit energy.  Crystals grow in formations and emanate from the same source, a structure which is very similar in form to the double helix DNA strand, called a crystal matrix or lattice.

Just as the Earth itself is a conscious, living being, all crystals are alive.  They may not be alive in the traditional sense, but anyone working with crystals will tell you they are tangible forms of universal life force energy and elemental consciousness.

Since the beginning of humanity, crystals have been used in almost every ancient civilization around the world.  The Sumerians used crystals in tinctures and healing formulas.  The lost civilization of Atlantis reportedly worked with crystals as an everyday part of life and a primary foundation of their culture.  Even the Bible mentions the use of crystals over 200 times.

In Ancient Egypt, all walks of life worked with crystals throughout the duration of the empire.  The use of crystals were mentioned several times in Egyptian mythology as a source of power and creation between Gods and Goddesses.  Quartz was placed on the foreheads of those who had passed, as it was believed to help with their transition and ensure a safe journey to the afterlife.  The Pharaohs and Queens of Egypt used crystals in their tombs and on their thrones.  Women of Egyptian royalty including Cleopatra, crushed Lapis Lazuli and placed in on their third eye and pineal gland as it was associated with the Goddess Isis and used to promote enlightenment, intuition and heightened awareness.  It has also been reported that the Ancient Egyptians used crystals on their heart to promote love and even used red crystals on their stomach or sacral chakra to become more sexually attractive to potential mates.

The Romans used Amethyst to assist with sobriety and created crystal talismans for good fortune, prosperity and abundance.  In Ancient Greece, warriors would crush Hematite and cover their bodies as a form of protection and invincibility.  In fact, the word crystal comes from the Greek work “Krustullos” which means ice.  It was their belief that Quartz crystals were actually eternal icicles raining down from the heavens.

Crystals were widely used throughout Asia and India as well.  The Chinese used crystal on the tips of needles for acupuncture; the Japanese widely used Jade in their homes and would gaze into crystal balls during meditation practices and to heighten intuition.  In India, crystals are still widely used today for everyday purposes as well as throughout Ayurvedic medicinal practices.

Throughout their existence, almost all Native American cultures have used crystals as a path to enlightenment and a fundamental source of their ceremonial, healing and spiritual practices.

In our modern culture, crystals have revolutionized our technological world.  In fact, crystals make up the foundation of most of the technology we use today.  Our computers have a silicon chip inside that receives, stores and transmits electromagnetic energy.  Stereos use Quartz to transmit frequencies and it is also what helps make watches so accurate.

Marcel Vogel, a scientist who holds over 200 patents and has won a Nobel Prize, has worked extensively with Quartz crystal.  In his findings, he reported Quartz to be both a receiver and transmitter of energy.  His work with Quartz crystal helped to redefine the power of working with crystals and helped further prove crystals are in fact oscillating at a high vibration, highly responsive and alive.

Nikola Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, you must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  All things in the universe are forms of energy with their own unique frequency and vibration.  Tesla’s theory is key to understanding the secrets in working with crystals as a healing modality and that certain forms of energy can in fact alter the vibrational resonance of other forms of energy.  This concept is why crystals and stones are still used today in various holistic healing methods to help alter and reprogram the body and to enhance emotional, physical and spiritual balance.

Crystals are the most orderly, balanced, strong and cohesive structures on Earth.  They are free of resistant patterns and are incorruptible.  Quantum theory and science has proven that our bodies, specifically our brain and heart, emit electromagnetic energy.  Imagine what one is capable of when they align their thoughts with heart felt emotion and then attune and program these thoughts, feelings and intentions into the high vibrational energy of a crystal.

Today, crystals are widely used by holistic healers and practitioners to align, balance and positively alter the vibration of the cells and chakras of the body.  When holding a  crystal and programming it with positive intention, you are applying the physical law of resonance and creating a larger vibrational field.  It would be an exaggeration to say a crystal on its own can heal you, but rather, perhaps it is the power of your thoughts, plus heart felt emotion, positive intention and initiated belief when aligned with the high vibrational energy of a crystal that has the potential to heal.

It is my belief that crystals bring such beauty and bliss into our lives.  Working with crystals requires a great degree of respect and openness, but with an open heart and an open mind, crystals can prove to be a powerful catalyst toward enlightenment.  Consciously creating with crystals can help raise your vibration, connect to your higher self, and assist you in coming into deeper alignment with Who You Really Are.

Crystals are pure, vibrant, luminous, Divine sources of energy and are made up of some of the highest vibrational frequencies on Earth.  Crystals are the essence of creation as they emanate life, balance, strength, structure and alignment in its purest form and in this way, help us to greater understand the nature of existence.  Crystals provide an ability to synthesize the energies of which the entire Universe is comprised, as well as help us to discover and explore a deeper connection to all that is.










The Pisces New Moon Total Solar Eclipse: A Time For Spiritual Healing and Renewal

The Pisces New Moon/ Total Solar Eclipse is exact today, March 8th at 5:26 pm PST/ 8:26 pm EST.

Each New Moon provides a direct channel for new beginnings and an opportunity to set intentions for the month ahead, but today, unlike any other, is an extremely significant, rare and powerful day in the heavens. This Pisces Solar Eclipse is the opening of a portal for a deeply transformative and regenerative time in our lives. Today marks the beginning of a new eclipse cycle for the 2016 year, and it is also a Super Moon, making this naturally potent energy even more compelling.

A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is closest to the Earth, making it appear larger in the sky. In turn, this energy has an even greater effect on the tides, our bodies and our emotions. Today, the Eclipse is exact at 18.56 degrees Pisces, while the Earth, Sun and Moon are all closely configured and aligned together, creating the foundation for this powerful celestial event.

I am channeling the Pisces New Super Moon Solar Eclipse to be a deeply powerful time for spiritual healing and cleansing; a time to be compassionate not only toward others but especially toward ourselves. We must use this powerful energy to put our dreams and highest aspirations into motion and to tap into our higher selves to better align toward our Divine purpose and calling.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and it is this energy that helps bridge the ethereal, spiritual realm with the tangible reality we experience here on Earth. That is the the Virgo/Pisces polarity. A Pisces Moon is a deeply intuitive and dreamy time. It is an opportunity to embrace the more perceptive, psychically sensitive aspects of ourselves and to become more awakened to the experience of life being an interwoven web and an unitive whole. It breaks open the ego, our limiting and sometimes destructive construct of self, and opens us up to tune into the Universe and the universal flow. It dissolves the illusion of separation and time, centering our collective psyche toward illumination and providing a channel to fully integrate all aspects of self toward unity with others and with nature. Pisces energy feels all things and goes beyond the dimensions of our reality. Now is the time to tune into the Divine consciousness to help renew hope and restore faith. It is time to call on our higher selves to energetically and spiritually uplift and guide us toward our greater cosmic purpose.

There is an intense, concentrated energy of planets in the heavens today. The Sun (our heart), Moon (our soul) Mercury (our mind), Neptune (our sense of perception and spirit), Chiron (self healing) and the South Node (the past) have all come together in the constellation of Pisces. Out of all these planets, I feel the close conjunction of Chiron and the South Node with the current Sun/Moon/Earth combination is the most significant.

Chiron is the archetype of the wounded healer and it is the aspect in a personal natal chart where each soul will find healing in this lifetime. Chiron highlights where in past lifetimes healing has been elusive at best, and deeply scarring, inhibiting and traumatic at its worst.

We are all in search of emotional and spiritual transcendence during our journey, both on an individual and a collective level. Tapping into the potent energy of this eclipse, will help serve as a catalyst toward greater spiritual growth and evolution. Now is an ideal time to begin work on healing our deepest personal and ancestral wounds and to work toward fully discovering and embracing our spiritual identity.

There is much inner work to be done, and it can all seem incredibly overwhelming and scary, but the energy of this Solar Eclipse can truly serve as a powerful catalyst toward self discovery, revelation and advancement. Now is a serendipitous opportunity toward enlightenment and evolution on the deepest soul level. Taking a leap of faith today can provide a miracle, and will help nurture guidance and acceptance toward the next dimension of self realization.

This is not easy work, so remember to please be kind and deeply compassionate to yourself and toward others through this process. Pisces energy reminds us to be gentle and to be unconditionally filled with love and understanding as we uncover and work through all of the triggers and our deep rooted scars.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is directly opposing Jupiter in Virgo, further highlighting and expressing the Virgo/Pisces polarity between life here on earth and that which exists in the spiritual realm. This energy helps illuminate the surmountable bridge between what we experience in our reality and the enlightened dream world we aspire to in the heavens. Jupiter helps expand everything it touches, and at 18 degrees in the earthy, practical sign of Virgo, it serves to amplify our power to manifest these dreams to life.

In numerology and step astrology, the number 18 is significant because it holds the key to unlocking the mystery of manifestation. During this Solar Eclipse, be extremely deliberate and specific about what your heart wants (1) and decide and commit to what it is that you truly love (8). One plus eight equals a nine, and nine is the number that traditionally represents Mars energy; it is the energy we assert to create and destroy and the energy we call on to help bring to life what we want to make tangible and real. With Jupiter ruling our wisdom and beliefs, identifying your hearts desire and truly believing in your dream is paramount in making this energy manifest. The potential to imagine, heal and create during this heightened state of awareness is limitless.

Each eclipse is a powerful vortex of energy that marks a monumental time for change. Unlike an ordinary New Moon which highlights the energy for each 28 day lunar cycle and the month ahead, the effects of a Solar Eclipse can last up to six months. This energy is then felt and triggered by each preceding eclipse throughout the duration of the complete cycle- with the ultimate potential for transformation and change lasting up to several years.

Now is the time to not only start with a fresh perspective, but to really dive in and go deep. Trust yourself and your heart in the process. Do the work needed to heal and renew every aspect of yourself and your soul. Fear, pain and doubt are all illusions that serve to separate and hold us back; allow these feelings to completely dissolve as you are gently and lovingly being restored and tuned in to your most pure, conscious and Divine state. The impact of this energy can have a dramatic, profound and lasting effect if you seize it and use it wisely.

I wish you many New Moon blessings on your journey today, and I am sending infinite love, compassion and healing energy out to you all. I pray you are surrounded and uplifted by this positive energy, and I pray that it lovingly supports, comforts and guides you through your process of self discovery and healing. May you channel this powerful energy toward your greatest good, your highest vibration and your true soul purpose.

First Full Moon of 2016: Full Moon in Leo/Wolf Moon

Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2016 which is exact on Saturday, January 23rd at 5:46pm PST, 8:46pm EST.  This Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon and is in the sign of Leo; which from our view on Earth, is directly opposing the Aquarius Sun.  The names of each Full Moon date back to Native American tribes indigenous to the northern and eastern hemispheres of the United States.  These tribal cultures created specific symbols for each Full Moon to identify the different seasons and to express the spiritual essence and nature of each lunation cycle. 

The Wolf Moon was created as the snow gathered deep in the woods and the howling wolves were heard echoing throughout the forest.  This literal explanation paints a beautiful picture and still has powerful significance today.  It perfectly embodies the nature of the universal energy we are experiencing on a conscious level.  

Much like the totem of the wolf, it is time to fully embody our wild, sovereign nature and our innate instinctual wisdom.  I am channeling this Full Moon energy as an opportunity to individually step into power while simultaneously remembering and owning who you are.  This is not the realm of the ego, but rather it is remembering your essence and why you’re here.  This is ancient memory buried deep within, waiting patiently to be realized and to be of service.

A Full Moon is the time to step into the fullest expression of your raw, primal self.  It encourages us to embrace the most authentic aspects of our core and to show up wholly and completely.  Use this power with deliberate intention to transcend toward the highest vibrations of Spirit and your greatest good.  Now is the moment of truth; it is time to reclaim your power, shine your Divine light, own your true sovereign nature and share your gifts with the world.  Now is the time to empower your inner Queen or King and proudly allow that white light to emanate through you.

With the Mercury Retrograde/Pluto conjunction still in effect today, the archetype of the Wolf is powerfully significant.  This transformative aspect  aligned with the Full Wolf Moon calls on us to venture deep into our psyches to face the abyss of our fears. The wolf is the supreme hunter; fearless, swift, resilient and strong.  It is time we dive deep into our own dark forests, into the restrictive paradigms that are no longer serving us.  This transcendence of knowledge serves to empower and will inevitably help us gain better awareness to our true nature and potential.  We must finally face our fears so we can bravely move forward in our lives. 

Traditionally, wolves are known as great teachers and leaders. They love and fiercely protect their family and guard their young. They remain loyal and respect pack order and elders with great discipline.  Using their resources and instinctual nature, they rely on intelligence and intuition to adapt to even the harshest environments to ensure the pack will thrive.  These ideals perfectly describe the vision needed in order to properly manifest within the current Moon in Leo/Sun in Aquarius polarity.  In order to create and manifest, one must discover what is loved, embrace these unique gifts and then define where they belong.  Protect your dreams and vision with love.  Respect and honor your creative gifts and then propel them into the world from a place of authentic presence.   Now is the time to use this energy to fiercely nurture your goals to life.

This Full Wolf Moon gives us a chance to focus on balancing the masculine (Sun) and feminine (Moon) energies within us all on an individual and a collective level. As the Sun calls toward our will to create, manifest and push forward, please keep in mind the feminine energy of the Moon and it’s receptive, intuitive, and nurturing nature.  As we connect with the Great Mother and this Divine Feminine energy, we are accessing the frequency of unconditional love- something that is much needed at this time. There is a Father Sky/Mother Earth, Sun/Moon, assertive/receptive polarity within each of us and to understand, appreciate and integrate these energies is to truly evolve and transcend.  

Although the ancient wisdom of lunar cycles and how they relate to our bodies, our experience and our consciousness has been a lost language for some time, I believe it is imperative to bring this information back.  Rediscovering  the patterns of the cosmos and then synergistically relating them to the internal cycle within will bring a better balance to the ego and into the patriarchal society in which we live.  Each lunation cycle not only uncovers the intricate patterns of the Universe, but it also reveals the secrets which lie within.

At our core, our DNA understands we are lunar rhythmic. We must reclaim and uncover this ancient knowledge and begin to embrace it again.  We need to rediscover and reactivate these codes of light that have been dormant within our DNA for thousands of years.  

God has designed our bodies with an intricate rhythm.  As you begin to embrace this aspect of yourself, you will find better balance and regain better overall health.  As a greater appreciation for this symphonic rhythm grows, a deeper compassion and stronger love for yourself and for others will be nourished.  Embracing and celebrating the Divine Feminine and each lunar cycle is to embrace and celebrate the primal wisdom of creation; and this wisdom is within each and everyone one of us.   


First New Moon of 2016: Saturday, January 9th

The FIRST New Moon of 2016 is exact today at 5:31 PM PST in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. A New Moon is the celestial event when both the Sun and Moon meet in the heavens, when the Moon passes over the Sun. The Moon changes signs every 2.5 days, so this is the beginning of a new 28 day Moon cycle. In astrological terms, this alignment is known as a conjunction, or as I like to call it, a cosmic kiss in the sky.  

The Sun is your center of self; your vitality, your essence, your spirit. The Moon rules your feelings; our emotions, the Mother and what comforts us. When these two luminaries meet, it is our heart and our feelings coming together, synchronistically aligned to make decisions and manifest. A New Moon is the best time to set intentions and plant the seeds for what you’d like to grow in the next month ahead. In the earthy, powerful sign of Capricorn, now is the perfect time to align your goals with changes needed to be made in your immediate reality in order to manifest your dreams to life.

Today is the perfect time to nurture your ambitious nature. Capricorn energy is focused and deliberate, and with this New Moon, our consciousness (Sun) and instinctual nature (Moon) more easily align to drive us closer to accomplishing tasks that will bring fulfillment and propel us toward our goals.  Today our awareness and emotions have help from the planet Pluto, which is conjunct the Sun/Moon combination within a three degree orb. Pluto is ruled by Scorpio and is the planet of transformation and personal power. It helps us break through and break free of old paradigms and whatever is holding us back. This is the reason why Pluto rules the death and rebirth cycle.  It brings the death of what is no longer serving us to make room for the creation and birth of something new. Pluto will help us define our goals today, because with Mercury in Retrograde, you may be questioning the details and in which way to go or where you’re headed. Call on the energy of Pluto today to be the authority of your own personal power. Anything created now has the ability to sustain.  Pluto conjunct both the Sun and Moon will help clear out the darkest remnants of the past to help overcome challenges and the most perplexing obstacles. 

This New Moon energy is also triggering the prevailing Uranus/Pluto square we have been experiencing since 2012. Uranus is ruled by Aquarius and brings electrically charged energy toward revelations and revolutionary change. A breakdown needs to occur so we can finally reach a breakthrough in our collective consciousness. We must release today, as light from the heavens is shining down on us to push us forward toward personal healing and renewal. There is a powerful force of energy toward either growth or destruction, and it is up to us to decide. Channel this energy for your greatest good, as it can either be a day of personal empowerment or power struggles within yourself and with those around you.

During each New Moon phase, I love to perform what I call my “Moon Ceremonies” and time them as closely as I can to the moment the conjunction is exact in the sky. I find comfort in clearing my personal space with sage, collecting all my crystals and casting them in a circle. I light candles, visualize my intentions, and say prayers and meditate in the sacred space I create in my home. I find it both empowering and rejuvenating, and for me, it’s the perfect way to clear my energy field, define my goals and put forth positive energy into the Universe for the month ahead.

Sending so much love and positive energy out to you all and wishing you many New Moon blessings on this beautifully powerful day. May your intentions be clear, your mind be focused and your heart be pure. Believe in your vision, it can and will manifest ❤️

The Truth about Mercury Retrograde

I feel it’s important to clarify this naturally occurring phenomenon, as my guides are telling me it’s much needed at this time.  Although I think it’s wonderful Mercury Retrograde is once again becoming a part of our modern collective consciousness, I believe its effects are widely misinterpreted and misunderstood as a period to be feared or dread.  

Mercury Retrograde was exact at 5:06am PST January 5th and will remain until January 25th, 2016.  At its worst, communication lines are blurred, computers go on the fritz, travel plans may be postponed and/or phone service will be disconnected more often than usual. Perhaps in its own way even modern technology has the need to purge what is no longer serving it; but aren’t we all in need of our own reboot or refresh every now and again?  

During this time lost items may reappear or people from your past may reenter your life unexpectedly.  If you take a step back to evaluate, I think it’s important to note whether or not they are coming back at this time for a very good, very specific reason. 

As an astrologer, you cannot convince me to sign a contract during this period if my life depended on it.  However, it is important for me to clarify this belief does NOT stem from fear, but rather the nature of Mercury Retrograde and its propensity for reversals and change.  If you’re looking at a contract for the beginning of a new venture or a completion of something, I’d say not today.  During the retrograde period, a contract is more likely to become undone or possess misleading hidden text.  On the other hand, if your intentions for the contract are to be something temporary or eventually absolved, then by all means, sign away. 

I would venture to say many of you out there reading this have a natural natal placement of Mercury Retrograde.  Speaking from personal experience (my natal Mercury is retrograde at 15 degrees Gemini) I actually feel kinda normal amidst this acute and interesting time.  In fact, Mercury Retrograde happens an average of 3 or 4 times a year, usually for about three or four weeks at a time.  With the shadow period, which is the two or three week period leading up to the Retrograde, the effects last even longer than you might think.

This particular retrograde is first happening in the sign of Aquarius, which as any astrologer will tell you, Aquarian energy is far from the norm.  Aquarians are the forward thinking rebels with a cause.  They possess an eccentric yet innovative brilliance that sparks our imagination and challenges us to think outside the box.  This is the energy that keeps us creating and pushing forward. Mercury is the planet that rules communication and our linear mind. With our present Mercury Retrograde beginning in Aquarius, then quickly moving backward to hit 15 degrees Capricorn before it stations direct on the 25th, these next three weeks are guaranteed to be a very interesting and exciting time. 

I believe the duality between a forward minded Aquarian vision and the Retrograde’s ability to reboot our thought patterns and temporarily turn back the clock, is something we should ponder in the next few weeks.  Without a clear perspective on our past, how can we move forward in a healthy way to create a better future?  How can we truly grow without striving for and obtaining resolution from our past?  Aren’t our own dreams a dormant part of our subconscious rising up to the surface for a better view?

Mercury Retrograde is actually giving us all a second chance for review; a refreshed opportunity to reprogram our consciousness. Right now the Universe is giving us a chance to find healing and to focus on issues that may have been left behind unresolved.  In this case, Mercury Retrograde is in fact a gift to us all and nothing to be feared. “Problems” commonly associated with a retrograde force us to take a step back and take an introspective look into who we are now and how our past decisions and actions have shaped and defined us.  It forces us to look at what we give our power to and what’s important to us. How can that not be a good a thing?  

The trick during this time is to remain flexible and resilient, with an understanding that perhaps the Universal energies and God have a greater plan for us all.  Unfortunately that plan may or may not include you talking to so-and-so right now or taking that trip exactly as planned.  Annoying at times, yes, but in the bigger picture, I truly believe a Mercury Retrograde is a blessing

Mercury Retrograde is an event in the cosmos, a Divine Intelligence, that gives us an opportunity to recondition ourselves toward individual growth and a collective awakening here on Earth.  Any energetic phenomena that creates awareness and allows us to relate synchronistic events in our present reality with the chance to heal, is in my opinion, a profoundly beautiful thing. 

Love and Blessings,

Erika Othen

Star Date: Tuesday, June 2 2015: Full Moon in Sagittarius

✨Star Date✨ Tues, June 2nd: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Just as the Moon’s gravitational force has the power to affect the world’s tides, our bodies are comprised of 70 percent water and are also affected by the Moon’s phases, transits and the eclipses. In many ancient cultures and Native American traditions, a woman’s cycle was referred to as her “Moon” and was revered as a profoundly powerful and spiritual time where she would separate from her village and fully embrace her divine feminine spirit by performing ceremonies and rituals with other women on their cycle. Perhaps most fascinating of all, is that many tribes believed women were more energetically and spiritually powerful during their menstrual cycle known as her Moon, and that they even had special intuitive powers. Women on their Moon would be called upon by Native American tribe members for their advice, insight and guidance, or to connect them to higher powers.

A Full Moon in Sagittarius is generally a time for optimism and change, but with this Full Moon opposing our Sun in Gemini at 9:19 PST, and other cosmic influences in the mix such as the wide conjunctions with Retrograde Mercury and Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces, now seems to be a better time for quiet introspection and self examination. Today, try to avoid the temptation to overindulge and express emotions and ideas that are more rooted in grandiose fantasy rather than reality.

The days before, during and after a Full Moon are the perfect time for a cleanse, especially because Sagittarian energy rules great wisdom and the evolution of our beliefs and ideals. Cleansing your body by avoiding fatty and processed foods today, releasing old paradigms that no longer serve you by clearing energy in your mind and/or spirit and performing an energy clearing ceremony in your home with prayers and Saging can be extremely effective at this time.

Wishing many beautiful Full Moon blessings to you all on this lovely day and as always, sending lots of love and positive energy your way ❤️

Full Moon in Scorpio: Wednesday, May 14th 2014


The Full Moon is exact at 23 degrees Scorpio and occurs Wednesday, May 14th at 12:16 PDT/3:16 EDT and 7:16 GMT.

A Full Moon is the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated by the Sun as seen from our view on earth.  In Astrology, a Full Moon phase suggests something within the subconscious (the Moon) becomes illuminated into the conscious awareness (the Sun).

Wednesday’s Full Moon in Scorpio highlights the deep, intense and transformational energy which has been quite the focus as of late, especially after the recent Lunar and Solar Eclipses and the Cardinal Grand Cross of April.  Scorpio energy is of the water element and is fixed in nature, and expresses its need for depth and transformation through intimacy and emotional truths.  As with all Full Moon phases, it is an extremely intense and emotional time for us all.  Whenever Scorpio energy is involved, it encourages us to dig even deeper and further under the surface, into the shadows of our subconscious and our emotions, to inspire and ignite a necessary change.

The Sun in Taurus is now in direct opposition with the Moon in Scorpio.  This suggests we are in a struggle with how we value ourselves and our perception of how others value us.  It is a power struggle between our higher spiritual selves and the material values and perceptions of the outside world.  Don’t fall victim to the boundaries and expectations of others or the illusions these perceptions create in our minds.  It is time to figure out what actions and thought patterns aren’t working in our lives and to face them head on.  It’s time to fully examine all the  “teddy bears” we are still holding on to that are in reality holding us back.  Let it all go.  Refuse to allow anything to take up energy or space in your consciousness unless it is divinely aligned with what you value at your core and hold true in your heart.  Now is the time to dive deep beneath the surface to determine what truly matters to you, to prioritize how you really feel and take that wisdom to transcend to new heights.

Recognizing self sabotaging behaviors and breaking free from old paradigms of thought takes perseverance and is the most significant catalyst toward moving forward with a brave heart.  It takes wisdom to know what needs to be changed, and raw, deliberate courage to integrate it into your conscious awareness and make change happen.  Courage is everything now, as you move deeper into faith, and further commit to surrendering to inner truth.   Now is the time for new values and new ways of life.  Challenge yourself to fully examine what is bringing you down and renounce it completely at the core of your being.  Extract the truth and allow it to rise up through your emotions, just like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.  Remain in gratitude for the lessons learned and take ownership of your part of it, then allow yourself to detach and consciously take action to shift things into a higher frequency.  There is so much great potential for renewal, rebirth and the reemergence of a new, higher vibrational self after such a deep purge.  Although it may not always seem apparent, the truth is forever lying underneath it all.

After the Darkest Night Will Come A Brighter Day: Hope and Healing After Hurricane Sandy

Today has been a surreal, contemplative and humbling day. My heart goes out to everyone that has been affected by Hurricane Sandy and I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and sending healing energy, love and light your way. I can’t help but to feel mixed emotions of sadness and feeling blessed all at the same time as I scroll through the posts of devastation on my timelines and reach out to my family and friends to ensure they’re okay.

A native New Yorker now living in Los Angeles, I feel a close bond to the hurricane survivors and I’m extremely empathetic to what they are experiencing because it hits so close to home. I will always be a New Yorker at heart and I am with you all in spirit! I am proud of how brave you all are and where I am from; we are resilient, strong and have the heart to persevere and rebuild. As you pick up the pieces and find the strength to move forward and find resolve, I’m hoping you will find comfort in knowing you are truly an inspiration to us all. Your strength and determination to endure all hardships and prevail is the exact definition of igniting the courageous warrior spirit within, especially during difficult times of trials and tribulations. You are survivors and for that, you should be eternally proud.

Even through all the devastation, there are so many beautiful examples of people selflessly helping one another and these efforts truly warm my heart and soul. Among the incredible examples of perseverance, is the story of the nurses and first responders of the NYU Langone Medical Center which truly exemplifies the Inner Goddess spirit and the power of embracing your true potential through courageously helping others in their time of need.

After heavy flooding caused the NYU Langone Medical Center in midtown Manhattan to lose power, the nurses and first responders worked tirelessly to evacuate 260 patients manually on med-sleds after the back up generators failed. At a rate of one patient every fifteen minutes, the staff worked relentlessly throughout the night. Among the patients, were 20 babies from the neonatal intensive care unit that required special attention from the nurses because their respirators did not have backup batteries. At least four babies had to be carried down nine flights of stairs while the nurses “breathed” for the infants by manually squeezing a bag in order to drive oxygen back through their tiny lungs. Thankfully, all patients that were rescued have survived.

This beautiful story truly touched my soul and is a testament to the Inner Goddess spirit in us all. These men and women are truly heroes in every sense of the word. They are warrior goddesses with an unrelenting dedication to the well being and survival of their fellow human being no matter what the circumstance or hardship. Their courageous and selfless actions teach us how empowering yourself through helping others in need is one of the greatest gifts we can give to humanity and infinitely makes the world a more beautiful, peaceful and loving place.

I am so, so proud of the brave men and women of the east coast. They are our family, our friends, our neighbors and our fellow Americans. We are all in this together and we will continue to grow, rebuild, stand tall and persevere on. After the darkest night, will come a brighter day and this new day will bring hope to survive, strength to rebuild, healing of our soul and spirit and serves as an undeniable inspiration to us all.

To help our fellow brothers and Goddesses on the east coast, please visit:

The Red Cross

The Salvation Army


NY Foodbank